
About SOund healing

The Benefits of Sound Healing:

  • Grounding

  • Centering

  • Clarity

  • Emotional Balance

  • Calmness of Spirit

  • Pain Release

  • Heightened and expanded state of awareness

  • Stress Relief

  • Increased sense of well-being

  • Rejuvenation

What can you expect in a Heal with Sound session?
Sessions begin with a full assessment of your vibrational system. Once complete, you will lie upon a massage table. Bowls are placed on and around your physical body. You will experience the vibrations and sounds of the bowls precisely affecting your physical and vibrational bodies. During these sessions and with your permission, a light touch may also be used upon the body to further support your energy system and to direct the sound.


“Working with Sandra changed my life. Her guidance supported me in realizing the innate power within which I learned to use for my own healing.”

— Marissa


About Sandra Saiontz

Sandra Saiontz has been a Healing Arts practitioner for more than 28 years, 17 of which included Therapeutic Massage and Subtle Energy Work. She also owned The Spirited Gourmet, a natural foods catering company, and is the founder of Sacred Song Sound Healing LLC, now Heal with Sound LLC and YogasYoga.

The depth of Sandra's intuitive perceptions allows entry into heart and spirit, facilitating access to, and transforming, deeply held energetic patterns and imbalances within individuals, groups, and spaces. She works with Sound of Himalayan Singing Bowls, Voice Toning, and Subtle Energy Adjustments. Her natural artistry with the Sound and Energy of vibration supports healing of, both, people and the planet.

The spectrum of Sandra's education, skills, and experience have indeed been -- and continue to be -- vast and varied. These include having studied Floral Design and Aerospace Science. In fact, Sandra holds a pilot's license. As such, who she is and the eclectic, yet profound, array of vibrational techniques in which she excels, enable her to intuitively guide others -- individually and/or collectively -- in their own quests for healing and enlightenment.

Sandra feels very blessed that in her own personal and professional journey and evolution, facilitated by her ongoing passion for the study and understanding of the vibratory arts, she has found her calling for bringing light to the beauty and harmony inherent in life.